Plumbing & AC Medic is now Rite Way Heating, Cooling & Plumbing of Phoenix. New name, same great team and service.

Serving All Phoenix And Surround Cities

COVID-19 Health & Safety

A COVID-19 Update fromRite Way of Phoenix

We’ve all been hearing a lot about the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and we want to assure you that the health of our community is the highest priority for all of us. We are taking every precaution that the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and OSHA have recommended at this time.

What we are doing to prevent the spreading of “COVID-19”:

  • Employees who are able to work from home, will do so
  • In-person group meetings and gatherings will be suspended or handled online
  • Our offices will be sanitized on a set schedule, focusing on all high-contact and high-traffic areas
  • New illness protocols will be put into effect mandating the report of illness at the first sign of any symptom, and suspension of in-person contact with others until the risk of infection has passed
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Employees are encouraged to follow our “CASCADE” policy:

  • Clean hands often
  • Avoid close contact
  • Stay home if sick or family members are sick
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth, with unwashed hands
  • Disinfect and clean frequently touched surfaces
  • Ensure customer unique needs are addressed

We know that plumbing, drains or HVAC problems will occur even during illnesses and health concerns. Many of you have scheduled service or repair appointments, and many more will have unforeseen home service needs during the upcoming days and weeks.

We assure you that we are here to help, providing full service and availability with healthy employees!

What we are doing in the field:

  • Limiting physical contact – including hand shaking with clients and team members.
  • Sanitizing hands and the work space before and after the job.
  • Always wearing shoe covers to protect customers’ homes. We also provide gloves and face masks to our field personnel.
  • Inquiring about illness before entering the home to ensure additional precautions like wearing masks.


Employees who travel outside of out the state of Arizona, cannot return to work for 14 days following travel (even if symptoms are not showing).

We have implemented a policy that does not allow any employee who is sick to come to work. If their manager feels as though they are symptomatic with any cold/flu symptoms, they will be sent home.

We have made additional sick time pay available to employees who are symptomatic for any illness, so they will stay home and not worry about loss of pay.

Our employees all have been equipped with hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes at all of their work stations.

It is always of the greatest importance to us that our customers feel comfortable with us in their home, and we know it’s a privilege to do work for them. This is no exception. We will continue to take precautionary measures to reduce the spread of the virus.

In addition, when you schedule an appointment, we ask that you please advise our Customer Service Representative at 602-878-9516 of any illness in the home so we can take the necessary precautions.